Sunday, February 28, 2010

It’s getting a little hot in here

It’s getting a little hot in here: "

When I first heard on Twitter that I was named one of the 10 Hottest Women in Food by SlashFood, I seriously had to double-check the URL to make sure it wasn’t a spoof site, because you all know what happens when misspell a website name and end up in pornville.

Well, it was legit, and even after an hour, nobody on Twitter shouted “you’ve been punk’d!” Though if I really had really been punk’d, more than likely the person responsible would be missing a few teeth today.

The difficult part of all this is that now I really have to live up to the title…and it means that maybe being photographed in my neon hair rollers isn’t a good idea.


And I should stop slapping my head on Wonder Woman’s body.

I really am taking this honor very seriously, and have started off this week with a striptease class with 18 girlfriends at Rancho La Puerta.

Rancho La Puerta is known as one of the premier health and fitness spas in the world, and one of my biggest concerns about spending an entire week here was the fact that they serve a primarily vegetarian diet. No meat, almost no alcohol and no junk food.

Could I go a whole week without steak? bacon? wine? potato chips? Could I survive on just lettuce, sprouts and beans?

The first couple of days, the withdrawal symptoms became almost unbearable. I tweeted for help. I even texted Diane, who was to arrive the next evening to sneak in a stash of contraband chips and booze.

So, in our strip tease class, our instructor told us to imagine a guy sitting in the chair as she led us in sexylicious moves: sashaying our hips, flipping our hair, throwing an attitude, rubbing and teasing with our body parts. All for the imaginary friend sitting in the chair.

This is all I could think about:

and this:

Oh, and no I wasn’t joking about Diane smuggling in the goods. She came through. God, I love this woman. She arrived at 7pm last night with this:

I guess if this is what sexy is all about – I AM ALL FOR IT!!


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